Wednesday, May 21, 2008

an update for our readers

This post is to let our readers, authors, supporters, and critics know that we are moving forward with our anti-racism training with StirFry Seminars and Consulting. Thank you, Elusis, for suggesting them. Our training date is on June 26th, and every employee who works on Seal titles will be encouraged to attend, and the four of us dedicated to Seal (Krista and I, along with our publicists, Andie and Eva) are absolutely attending.

In addition to our training, we are taking steps toward hiring consultants to help us review some proposals and possible acquisitions. I've personally reached out to agents and a handful of authors as well. These are our first steps, and we are committed to the constant pushing forward of these larger agendas and goals we've promised to pay attention to.

Thanks for checking in and we'll continue to update you periodically on our progress.



Mark Berry said...

I just found the Seal blog through Jenny Block's blog. I'm a love coach, and thrilled about her book!!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for publishing Open! I will at the Launch Party, and am REALLY excited!

Your company has an immensely high sense of integrity and quality. Reading your post about It's a Jungle Out There was inspirational. I can only hope to find a publisher in the gay community who is as dedicated to the LGBT community as you are to the Women community.

Thanks for all the hard work. It shows.

Coach Mark
Love Kung Fu: Life Coaching

Elusis said...

Good luck with the Stir Fry training. I wish it were mandatory for all your employees.

Here's a challenge for you: Print out the blog exchanges regarding the "Fuck Seal Press" incident (I'd suggest you take the blog post by the author whose exchange with you inspired the comment to start with, too) and the "Expat Harem" book, and take them to the training. Perhaps one of the trainers can use it as a learning opportunity for you that will really bring home how invisible privilege and tone-deafness to racism works.

Seal Press said...

Thanks for your thoughts, elusis. Our trainer will be coming in with full knowledge around all the criticism and critiques that have happened here over the past couple months. And as of now it looks like our entire staff will be attending.
