April 1rst was the official release date of Purge: Rehab Diaries, by Nicole Johns, and the word has already been spread far and wide. Here's a recap:
Kirkus Reviews said in the March 1rst issue: "[Purge is] a revealing glimpse into the trauma wrought by eating disorders—especially important for the afflicted and those who care for them."
Library Journal's Online Addendum said, "If you could handle Girl, Interrupted, you can handle this unflinching work rooted in feminist self-reflection."
Nicole Johns has been interviewed for the May Issue of Marie Claire. Look for it on shelves in the middle of April.
Rachel Kramer Bussel has excerpted a great blog post by Johns, on her blog. Check it out here. An interview between Bussel and Johns is also in the works!
Amanda at That Teen Can Blog, interviewed Johns and reviewed Purge. Head over to Amanda's blog and check out the great review and interview.
Yesterday, Nicole Johns appeared on Twin Cities Live for a wonderful discussion about her new book. Check out the clip, here. Click on the pink book cover on the side for her segment.
Purge is also being reviewed for Eating Disorders Victoria. An Australian organization who provide information, referrals and support to people with Eating Disorders, their families and friends.
Johns was also interviewed for KFAI's Write On Radio! Scroll down to the announcements section and take a listen to the March 26th show. Nicole comes in at about 24 minutes.
Purge: Rehab Diaries is also being reviewed in the upcoming issue of the Journal of American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
Also upcoming are two events in the Twin Cities:
April 24th, 2009, 4pm, Coffman Bookstore on the University of Minnesota campus.
May 6th, 2009, 7pm, The Loft Literary Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Congratulations to Nicole on the release of her memoir. We look forward to seeing more publicity in the coming weeks.
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