Seal has long championed books for moms. Over the years we've done a ton of mom books, which have tended to cover ground that's hard to talk about: from sex after baby to postpartum depression to the reality check of finding out that being a mom sometimes sucks.
And though we've tackled a wide range of topics, we've never done a book quite like The Maternal Is Political, just hitting bookstores now. The contributor list alone will make you want to flip through this book and see what it's all about: the late Benazir Bhutto, Barbara Kingsolver, Nancy Pelosi, Rebecca Walker, and Cindy Sheehan are among the writers who give voice to issues that matter to mothers (and by extension should matter to all of us).
This is one of those books that we published because it needed to be published. The editor, Shari MacDonald Strong, pieced together an anthology that really ought to be required reading in an election year. It's raw and charged and doesn't paint a particularly rosy picture. It's one of those books that will serve as a wake-up call, though, for moms and all of us who care about moms, too.
Sadly, all too true and yah to publishing such!
I'm reading this NOW, and will be reviewing it later in the week for MotherTalk on my blog.
This is an amazing and necessary book! It really is raw, and lays it all out there.
I AM recommending this book to everyone I know!
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