Seal Press had a great time at NWSA 2010. We had a wonderful group signing with Courtney E. Martin, editor of Click, Shira Tarrant, author of Men and Feminism, Amber Kinser, author of Motherhood and Feminism, and Elline Lipkin, author of Girls' Studies. We also had a reception and signing with Jennifer L. Pozner, author of Reality Bites Back.
We were also lucky enough to meet some fabulous contributors including Susan Lopez, contributor to Yes Means Yes, Siobhan Brooks contributor to Colonize This! who was promoting her new book Unequal Desires. One row over from our booth was Soapbox Inc featuring Jennifer Baumgardner, contributor to Click and Dear John, I Love Jane.
We were able to interview a few authors so please enjoy this recap featuring Jennifer Pozner, Amber Kinser, Elline Lipkin and Susan Lopez. Feel free to share your favorite NWSA panels and events. We look forward to seeing you next year!