Melissa Hart has embarked on a reading tour for her memoir Gringa: A Contradictory Girlhood and she might be heading to a town near you! Tonite you can catch her entertaining reading in Seattle at Elliot Bay Book Company at 101 South Main St. at 7pm.
To get a sneak peak of Hart's engaging memoir listen to her interview on KBOO yesterday morning.
Set in 1970’s Southern California, Gringa begins with Hart’s mother leaving her father to begin a lesbian relationship and moving to Oxnard, CA. In this predominantly Latino community, Hart is exposed to a vastly different home life than her suburban upbringing. Hart spends a few blissful months soaking up her mother’s newfound bohemian lifestyle before a judge grants her father primary custody, deeming her mother’s lifestyle “unnatural”.
Hart weaves a powerful story of fleeting moments with her mother, her unfolding adoration of Oxnard’s Latino culture, and the ways in which she’s molded by the polarity of her parents’ worldviews. Gringa offers a touching, reflective look at one girl’s struggle with the dichotomies of class, culture, and sexuality.
Hart will be reading at the following cities:
Thursday, October 29th at 7:30pm
Books Inc, Castro
2275 Market Street
San Francisco, California 94114
Saturday, November 8th at 2:00pm
Book Soup
8818 Sunset Blvd.
W. Hollywood CA 90069
Wednesday, November 11th at 6:00pm
Latitude 33
311 Ocean Ave.
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
And for your Friday viewing pleasure, enjoy Hart cooking up a batch of Annie's special chili from her book.