Today at 3pm Dawn Dais, author of The Noncyclist's Guide to the Century and Other Road Races will be on View from the Bay talking about her book, advising on easy ways to get into exercising, and discussing her ongoing Tour de Sacramento.
The Tour De Sacramento is a great way for locals to get in on what their city has to offer. Consisting of rides through the Sacramento area, it's a fun and easy way for people to get fit and get to know their city from a different viewpoint. Completely free, the Tour de Sacramento is taking place in tandem with the Tour de France.
Tonite the Tour de Sacramento will be doing a Grub Crawl Ride in Sacramento, so if you're in the area you should meet up at Bikes and Bites at 1013 12th Street at 5:30pm. For $25 you'll be visiting 5 great restaurants and receiving free appetizers along with drinks specials and cool prizes. This is the Tour de Sacramento Foodie edition so hop on board the Grub Crawl Ride!